
What’s the easiest way to make that fluid? It’s pretty complicated because there are rounded corners, the sides are a gradient and the inner is a gradient.

With new browser you can accomplish this very easy with css3 by using a repeating background (this is to be not very CSS3 dependent). use rounded corners and a drop shadow and offcourse border. Something like that:

background: url("1px_width_image.png") top left repeat-x #444; /*where #444 is the color from the lower margin of image*/
-moz-border-radius: 10px;/*Firefox*/
-webkit-border-radius: 10px;/*Chrome and Safary*/
border-radius: 10px; /*IE9 and opera*/

-moz-drop-shadow: 1px1px 1px #444;
-webkit-drop-shadow: 1px1px 1px #444;


there is a solution for IE shadows by using filters.
For rounded corners you could use some js

You can use something like the sliding doors technique.