Querystring and HTML file

I have seen following code in very famous website (sittercity*com). The code passes values in query string to a html file.

function sendAjaxRequest( ajax_include, parameters, send_result_to )
var ajax = createAjaxObject();
var resistCache = new Date().getTime();

url = '/ajax_dispatcher.html?ajax_include=' + ajax_include + '&' + parameters + '&send_result_to=' + send_result_to + '&dummy=' + resistCache;
ajax.open( 'get', url, true );
ajax.onreadystatechange = function () { handleAjaxResponse( ajax ); };
ajax.send( null );


My question is, is it possible to pass values to a html file in query string? If no then how is this website doing it?

Is it an HTML file or a file with the .html extension?

For that matter, could there be some kind of mod_rewrite going on?

A server can go to a page with a “#” or a “?” in the request.

AFAIK most browsers will go to the # location.

For the ? parameters either server-side or maybe javascript could do something with it. Since it’s AJAX I guess it’s safe to assume javascript will be enabled anyway.

It’s a file with .html extension.
I too think that it has something to do with AJAX.