QUERY help need

Hi to all,

I have 3 table customers,addresses,orders

Customer table

c_id      c_fname              c_email
 1           a                     a@gmail.com
 2           b                     b@gmail.com

Addresses table

a_id        c_id         a_address
1             1              xyz
2             1              xyz
3             2              abc
4             2              abc

Orders table

o_id      c_id         o_total        o_date
1            1             10            2013-01-01
2            1             20            2013-02-02
3            1             30            2013-03-03
4            2             40            2013-01-01

1-Get all the customer information from customers table
2-First address of each customer not the both because addresses table has shipping and buyer address which can be same so two entries will be there in address so i want only first one

3-date of first order
4-Total amount purchase
5-Amount purchased in last 30 days
6-Amount purchased in last 60 days
7-Amount purchased in last 90 days

Finale result will be

c_id  c_name    c_email               a_id    a_address   total_purchase      first_ord               last_purchase    30days_purchase    60days
1         a           a@gmail.com        1            xyz                    60                  2013-01-01           2013-03-03             30                             50
2         b           b@gmail.com        3            abc                   40                  2013-01-01           2013-01-01             NULL                        NULL

Any help

please define “first”

2-First address of each customer not the both because addresses table has shipping and buyer address which can be same so two entries will be there in address so i want only first one
We have two address for each customer in address table so first address(a_id==1) is the shipping address and second address(a_id==2) is buyer address so i want to first address mean shipping address

3-date of first order

Its mean that the first order purchase date of the client.


okay, here’s 1 and 2 –

SELECT cust.c_id       -- 1
     , cust.c_fname    -- 1
     , cust.c_email    -- 1
     , addr.a_address  -- 2
  FROM customer AS cust
  JOIN ( SELECT c_id
              , MIN(a_id) AS ship
           FROM addresses
             BY c_id ) AS aaaa
    on aaaa.c_id = cust.c_id
  JOIN addresses AS addr
    ON addr.c_id = aaaa.c_id
   AND addr.a_id = aaaa.ship    

from this, you should be able to figure out how to do 3

i’m not going to do any more for you since this is obvioulsy a homework assignment

Thanks for the reply.

Can you please send the full query with orders information


no :slight_smile:

Hi r937 ,

Its not assigment its project requirement and i am late now can you please give me the solution with this query to find the last 30 day’s,60 day’s and 90 day’s order total of each customer


ask your manager for help