They do! You can explain to them that it’s dummy text. This is one of the smaller problems I have encountered with web design projects. Normally greater issues involve trying to avoid freebies and sticking to contracts, even if some have selective reading.
Needless to say, the restaurant owner now understands the implications of social media and has relieved the employee from Twitter duty.
Again, we can offer some training and support in using social media, but as this involves more time this needs to be charged. I am not too sure clients would be happy to be charged for social media training if they originally came to you for a website, but I am 100% confident they’d gladly take the training for free. This is where the problem lies. Clients don’t fully understand what they need, but they always understand about payment, and in many cases they’d argue payment where possible, not because they don’t have the money, but mainly due to power of the money. Money in many respects is power, and when they owe you money they have the power.
The legal path is always a painful path, and to my knowledge contracts are used as a form to blackmail to convince clients to act according to what they signed.
We need to explain to the clients that they’d need this training to help them with their social media. You can refer them to a specialised social media company you trust, but when additional money is involved people seam to at odds with you. In many cases they’d probably challenge your judgement because of the money involved. If they are not your clients they’d probably go elsewhere looking for somebody on their wavelength. Kind of silly if you think about it
It’s about getting paid for what you do, as well as respecting others and treating others like you’d want to be treated. I truly feel companies are heartless, and achieving such a co-operation is hard amongst company employees who try to use dissatisfaction as a way to get you to work off quote, which raises another point.
Some clients are just made to exploit others, these kind of clients always have complaints about others and are never happy with anything. This is why you’d need to probably spot problem clients before you’d fall prey to them. Those kind of clients never win. I like to think it’s God’s little way of giving people their fair dose of karma
This article could really be explored.
PS: not all clients are bad, but it’s always the problamatic ones that shape the way we do things
Hope this helps