I want to create a simple one page to sell one product, i need one of those applications that one must enter his mail to get a sample, then he gets the sample either by redirect or into his mail.
i would like to know what kind of code I'm looking for, and are there any pre made. free or to buy?
thank you
There are open source ecommerce platforms that could just handle one product, but will likely be way overkill and given you don’t seem to have a strong programmatic background it may not be the right approach. Here the google search for a number of these [google]open source simple ecommerce[/google]
What you are asking for is not overly hard for an intermediate php programmer to handle. Have you thought about contracting someone to do this?
You are unlikely to find basic code that will do exactly what you need. It is more likely that any code you get, you will need to adapt, which will require technical skills. Even the ecommerce systems require a knowledge of installing them on a web-server. Many will need creating a database, registering a Secure Certificate (HTTPS), having a bank api (an a internet banking account) for processing sales unless you don’t plan to have money transaction on your site; although then it is not selling a product it is just advertising it. So you need to consider these things.
all i want to have is one page to sell the product but also the button that you click once you enter your email to get the sample of the book.
Than you get the link where to download.
You still need a host, server side code (PHP), and a site design which even for a simple site can cost you $300 - $500 for a basic design which may or may not cover the PHP needed for this. You also need some permission structure to stop people bypassing your form and just jumping to the download page. This involves some somewhat technically challenging ideas.
Again you are unlikely to find a script ‘out-of-the-box’ to do this, so you either learn how to code this yourself or hire someone with the knowledge to get it done faster.
looks like it is better for me to just make a simple page, put the download link and a 30 day guarantee and if people dont like it they can get a refund!
But even for that download link i need a program right?
A simple page with a download of a sample PDF does not require back end PHP. You can link to a PDF and set file disposition to download (rather than opening the document in their browser). The link to the PDF using an
thanks this is useful, but you do not get the mails form people who are potential customers…
i may use that and have two links one for the sample and the other for paypal!
But tell me even for a paypal link to download you need a redirection?
They pay and add to cart right? then they can download? Still a program gives them those options…
For what I think you want to do, just login to PayPal, click on Merchant Services, then on Create payment buttons for your website, then on Option 1 - Create Payment Button, Fill out the 3 steps and click Create Button (be sure to create a success page that would have the download link and provide that URL to PayPal), paste the HTML on your webpage.
Yes, someone may figure out how to access the Success page without using PayPal, but you can likely ask for help on verifying the user came from PayPal when loading that page. If the request to go to that page didn’t come from PayPal, then redirect the user else where (again, might not be 100% fool proof, but it is simple enough).
Thanks for the reply and the paypal procedure, are you saying that eventually all of those selling sites are easily bypassed but because most people do not know how they do not even try?