Products are not listed in a column

Hey, I am new on shopify and have faced with some coding problem. As you can see here:

my page is super incompatible, I want to make it less scrolling - adding columns would be great.
I think this file has something do to with it, because everything started since I added that file.
I guess this is a class problem, but which one?

<div class="page-width">
  <h1 class="small--text-center">{{ page.title }}</h1>
  <div class="content-block">
    <div class="rte rte--indented-images">
      {{ page.content }}

  {% section 'featured-products-subsection' %}

{% comment %}
  Collections are listed here.
{% endcomment %}

{% capture uses_minimal_framework %}{% include 'product-loop' %}{% endcapture %}

{% if uses_minimal_framework contains 'Liquid error' %}
  {% assign uses_minimal_framework = false %}
  {% assign grid_item_width = 'large--one-quarter medium--one-third small--one-half large--col-3 medium--col-4 small--col-6' %}
{% else %}
  {% assign uses_minimal_framework = true %}
  {% assign grid_item_width = 'span3' %}
{% endif %}

{% assign image_size = 'large' %}

{% if linklists[page.handle].links.size > 0 %}
  {% assign number_of_links = 0 %}
  <div class="grid-uniform{% if uses_minimal_framework %} row{% endif %} clearfix">

    {% for link in linklists[page.handle].links %}

      {% if link.type == 'collection_link' %}

        {% comment %}
        If we have a collection link.
        {% endcomment %}   

        {% assign collection = link.object %}
        {% assign number_of_links = number_of_links | plus: 1 %}

        <div class="grid__item grid-item product-grid-item {{ grid_item_width }} text-center">
          <div class="grid__image product-grid-image">
            <a href="{{ link.url }}" class="grid-image--centered">
            {% comment %}
              Bring in the featured image of the first product in the collection if no collection
              image has been uploaded for it.
            {% endcomment %}
            {% if collection.image %}
              <img src="{{ collection | img_url: image_size }}" alt="{{ link.title | escape }}">
            {% else %}
              {% assign product = collection.products.first %}
              <img src="{{ product | img_url: image_size }}" alt="{{ link.title | escape }}">
            {% endif %}
          <p class="collection-grid__item-title">
            <a href="{{ link.url }}" class="collection-item__title">{{ link.title }}</a>
        {% if uses_minimal_framework %}
          {% cycle 'clear-item': '', '', '', '<div style="clear:both"></div>' %}
        {% endif %}

      {% elsif link.type == 'page_link' %}

        {% comment %}
        If we have a page link.
        {% endcomment %}

        {% assign number_of_links = number_of_links | plus: 1 %}

        {% assign linked_page = link.object %}                    
        {% assign have_image = false %}

        {% comment %}
          Does the page contain an image? If so, let's use it.
        {% endcomment %}

        {% if linked_page.content contains '<img' %}

          {% assign have_image = true %}
          {% assign src = linked_page.content | split: 'src="' %}
          {% assign src = src[1] | split: '"' | first %}
          {% capture image_suffix %}_{{ image_size }}.{% endcapture %}
          {% assign src = src | replace: '_small.', image_suffix | replace: '_compact.', image_suffix | replace: '_medium.', image_suffix | replace: '_large.', image_suffix | replace: '_grande.', image_suffix %}
        {% comment %}
          If the page contains no image, and that page features collections, let's grab the image of the first
          collection on it.
        {% endcomment %}

        {% elsif linklists[linked_page.handle].links.size > 0 and linklists[linked_page.handle].links.first.type == 'collection_link' %}

          {% assign have_image = true %}
          {% assign collection = linklists[linked_page.handle].links.first.object %}

          {% if collection.image %}
            {% assign src = collection | img_url: image_size %}
          {% else %}
            {% assign src = collection.products.first | img_url: image_size %}
          {% endif %}

        {% endif %}

        <div class="grid__item grid-item product-grid-item {{ grid_item_width }} text-center">
          <div class="grid-image product-grid-image">
            <a href="{{ link.url }}" class="grid-image--centered">
              {% if have_image %}
                <img src="{{ src }}" alt="{{ link.title | escape }}" />
              {% else %}
                <img src="{{ link.title | handle | append: '_' | append: image_size | append: '.png' | file_url }}" alt="{{ link.title | escape }}" />
              {% endif %}
          <p class="collection-grid__item-title">
            <a href="{{ link.url }}" class="collection-item__title">{{ link.title }}</a>
        {% if uses_minimal_framework %}
          {% cycle 'clear-item': '', '', '', '<div style="clear:both"></div>' %}
        {% endif %}

      {% endif %}

    {% endfor %}


  {% if number_of_links == 0 %}

  <div class="grid">
    <div class="grid__item grid-item rte text-center">
        There are no links of type <i>Collection</i> in your <b>{{ page.title }}</b> link list.
        Go ahead and <a href="/admin/link_lists/{{ linklists[page.handle].id }}" target="_blank">edit your link list</a> to use links that point to collections.

  {% endif %}

{% else %}

<div class="grid">
  <div class="grid__item grid-item rte text-center">
      You do not have a link list with a handle set to <kbd>{{ page.handle }}</kbd>, or you do and it's empty. 
      Go ahead and create a link list called <b>{{ page.title }}</b> on your <a href="/admin/links" target="_blank">Navigation page</a> and populate that link list with links that point to collections, to see collections listed here.
      Make sure the link list also has a handle set to <kbd>{{ page.handle }}</kbd>.

{% endif %}

  kbd { 
    background-color: #FBFBE4;
    padding: 1px 4px;
    border-radius: 3px;

Hi andriusvv8, welcome to the forum!

I think your guessing is right. It happens to that be you do have columns, but only when page is narrower than 749px.

The collection container has these classes:

<div class="grid__item grid-item product-grid-item large--one-quarter medium--one-third small--one-half large--col-3 medium--col-4 small--col-6 text-center">
    <div class="grid__image product-grid-image">...</div>
    <p class="collection-grid__item-title">---</p>

and those classes has this @media rules:

@media only screen and (max-width: 749px) {
    .small--one-whole {
        width: 100%;
        -ms-flex-preferred-size: 100%;
        -webkit-flex-basis: 100%;
        -moz-flex-basis: 100%;
        flex-basis: 100%;
    .small--one-half {
        width: 50%;
        -ms-flex-preferred-size: 50%;
        -webkit-flex-basis: 50%;
        -moz-flex-basis: 50%;
        flex-basis: 50%;
    .small--one-third {
        width: 33.33333%;
        -ms-flex-preferred-size: 33.33333%;
        -webkit-flex-basis: 33.33333%;
        -moz-flex-basis: 33.33333%;
        flex-basis: 33.33333%;

Maybe the theme or a plugin you have makes the media rules according to some responsive choices in the control panel.

Just guessing. :slight_smile:

To help you find out I took the css from your site and unminified it for readability:
(unminified)theme.scss.css (100.1 KB)

Hope you can find where to get columns at the widths you want.

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