I am creating a new website and site start from the top. Chrome is working so well and site starts from the top. But when i am running my site with firefox its start from 20px top. So i cannot fix it. Here is site link: http://sparkcoder.com/work/autokingdom/
You can see some white space top of the HEADER when you will browse from Firefox but site is running fine with chrome.
please solve and answer it if you can help me.
Thanks is advance .
Your clearfix is only basic, and doesn’t trigger a height for the carHeader div.
You can either use a better clearfix css (recommended) or just set a height on carHeader
.clearfix:after {
- or -
.carHeader {
height: 60px;
Thank you so much @alexholsgrove
Problem is solved. Is there any software or tool for detect those problems ? or i have to take care of my code always manually ? If you know then please share , it will be great help for me.
Thanks again.
No software will help you keep up with CSS techniques. You should try and read CSS blogs (css-tricks, csswizardry etc) and also look at other HTML/CSS libraries like Bootstrap. Good luck
If you are going to use the clearfix WHY are you not using the one that is premade? It covers all the bases and if you had properly used clearfix, this issue would have never appeared.
I disagree with Alex, Chrome Developer tool and Firebug for FIrefox are instrumental on finding CSS issues since it has a highlighter and can let you know about elements and where they are being placed. From there you just have to work out the issue once you narrow it down.
The original clearfix was made that way for a reason and every property in the original was put there for a reason.
I said that the software will not keep you up to date with CSS techniques. The debugging tools are there to help identify the DOM elements and associated styles and properties. Perhaps you should read the responses a bit better
Perhaps you should read his post. He askedfor any tools to detect issues. I offered Firebug/Chrome inspector. You gave the impression that there are no tools that us developers use. I was merely clarifying.
Those tools don’t tell you that you are using the wrong clearfix! Even if he was able to use the inspectors - they still wouldn’t have helped him resolve the original problem.
Stop trying to flame me as you’re just embarrassing yourself.
Noone is flaming you? I wanted to clarify what tools are available. Even if it wouldn’t have caught the clearfix, the inspector tools are very invaluable to have. I have no quarrels with you Alex, I’m just answering the OP and trying to help him/her with his/her issues.