I can’t do a “npm run build” I get an error message.
Can you help me ?
You get many error messages. Which one are you having trouble fixing?
I don’t see what to do in all the error messages I don’t really understand what to do
So you read:
actions.ts 58:16 Error: 'newInvoice' is assigned a value but never used.
and dont know what to do?
Your screenshot has 7 errors in it. Start at the top, work your way down, fix each one.
I will try to do that, thank you, I will get back to you in case I can’t find it.
the error messages are giving you the file name, the line number, and the character in that line where the error was raised (./app/actions.ts, line 58, character 16, for example, is the first one) so you can definitely find them.
Thank you, I understood the error message, for example for this one where “newInvoice” is not used, the problem is that I don’t see how to use it.
code actions.ts
"use server"
import prisma from "@/lib/prisma";
import { Invoice } from "@/type";
import { randomBytes } from "crypto";
export async function checkAndAddUser(email: string, name: string) {
if (!email) return;
try {
const existingUser = await prisma.user.findUnique({
where: {
email: email
if (!existingUser && name) {
await prisma.user.create({
data: {
} catch (error) {
const generateUniqueId = async () => {
let uniqueId;
let isUnique = false;
while (!isUnique) {
uniqueId = randomBytes(3).toString('hex')
const existingInvoice = await prisma.invoice.findUnique({
where: {
id: uniqueId
if (!existingInvoice) {
isUnique = true;
return uniqueId
export async function createEmptyInvoice(email: string, name: string) {
try {
const user = await prisma.user.findUnique({
where: {
email: email
const invoiceId = await generateUniqueId() as string
if (user) {
const newInvoice = await prisma.invoice.create({
data: {
id: invoiceId,
name: name,
userId: user?.id,
issuerName: "",
issuerAddress: "",
clientName: "",
clientAddress: "",
invoiceDate: "",
dueDate: "",
vatActive: false,
vatRate: 20,
} catch (error) {
export async function getInvoicesByEmail(email: string) {
if (!email) return;
try {
const user = await prisma.user.findUnique({
where: {
email: email
include: {
invoices: {
include: {
lines: true,
// Statuts possibles :
// 1: Brouillon
// 2: En attente
// 3: Payée
// 4: Annulée
// 5: Impayé
if (user) {
const today = new Date()
const updatedInvoices = await Promise.all(
user.invoices.map(async (invoice) => {
const dueDate = new Date(invoice.dueDate)
if (
dueDate < today &&
invoice.status == 2
) {
const updatedInvoice = await prisma.invoice.update({
where: { id: invoice.id },
data: { status: 5 },
include: { lines: true }
return updatedInvoice
return invoice
return updatedInvoices
} catch (error) {
export async function getInvoiceById(invoiceId: string) {
try {
const invoice = await prisma.invoice.findUnique({
where: { id: invoiceId },
include: {
lines: true
if (!invoice) {
throw new Error("Facture non trouvée.");
return invoice
} catch (error) {
export async function updateInvoice(invoice: Invoice) {
try {
const existingInvoice = await prisma.invoice.findUnique({
where: { id: invoice.id },
include: {
lines: true
if (!existingInvoice) {
throw new Error(`Facture avec l'ID ${invoice.id} introuvable.`);
await prisma.invoice.update({
where: { id: invoice.id },
data: {
issuerName: invoice.issuerName,
issuerAddress: invoice.issuerAddress,
clientName: invoice.clientName,
clientAddress: invoice.clientAddress,
invoiceDate: invoice.invoiceDate,
dueDate: invoice.dueDate,
vatActive: invoice.vatActive,
vatRate: invoice.vatRate,
status: invoice.status,
const existingLines = existingInvoice.lines
const receivedLines = invoice.lines
const linesToDelete = existingLines.filter(
(existingLine) => !receivedLines.some((line) => line.id === existingLine.id)
if (linesToDelete.length > 0) {
await prisma.invoiceLine.deleteMany({
where: {
id: { in: linesToDelete.map((line) => line.id) }
for (const line of receivedLines) {
const existingLine = existingLines.find((l) => l.id == line.id)
if (existingLine) {
const hasChanged =
line.description !== existingLine.description ||
line.quantity !== existingLine.quantity ||
line.unitPrice !== existingLine.unitPrice;
if (hasChanged) {
await prisma.invoiceLine.update({
where: { id: line.id },
data: {
description: line.description,
quantity: line.quantity,
unitPrice: line.unitPrice,
} else {
//créer une nouvelle ligne
await prisma.invoiceLine.create({
data: {
description: line.description,
quantity: line.quantity,
unitPrice: line.unitPrice,
invoiceId: invoice.id
} catch (error) {
export async function deleteInvoice(invoiceId: string) {
try {
const deleteInvoice = await prisma.invoice.delete({
where: { id: invoiceId }
if (!deleteInvoice) {
throw new Error("Erreur lors de la suppression de la facture.");
} catch (error) {
Well if you dont know how to use it, why did you define it?
I followed the tutorial that I finished and I wanted to put it online
So then either:
Like, i didnt write the tutorial. So if you want a Why does this variable exist… go ask the person who wrote it.
I’m not going to extrapolate a reason for someone else’s code. The error says the variable isnt used. So either use it, or remove it.
The author of the code seems to have made a mistake. It is not used anywhere. So just remove it.
The rest of the functions are being used here:
import { deleteInvoice, getInvoiceById, updateInvoice } from ‘@/app/actions’
Also use the same compiler options the author is using:
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