Print button not working in IE7

I’m having problems getting my print button to work in IE. It works locally but when I put my pages live it doesnt work.

I’ve found many posts about this online but nobody seems to have an answer.

This is my code…

 <script type="text/javascript">

function displayHTML(form) {
var inf2 = form.Box.value;
var inf3 = form.htmlBox1.value;
var inf4 = form.htmlBox2.value;
var inf5 = form.htmlBox3.value;

win ="", 'popup', 'toolbar = yes, status = no');
win.document.write("" +  "<H2>" + "<b>" + "My Action Plan" + "</H2>" +  "<br>" + "My barrier:" + "</b>" + inf2 + "<br>" + "<br>" + "<b>" + "How will I remove/reduce this barrier?: " + "</b>" + inf3 + "<br>" + "<br>" + "<b>" + "When this is to be achieved by:" + "</b>" + inf4 + "<br>" + "<br>" + "<B>" + "Steps I am to take to achieve this: " + "</b>" + inf5 + "<br>" + "<br>" + "<html><head><title>popup</title></head><body><br><br>" + "<a href='print.html' onclick='window.print();return false;'>" + "<img src='images/printer.png' height='35px' width='132px' border='0'></a></body></html>" + "");


I’ve tried adding



things like this…


Can anyone help?


The inline event attributes have problems in IE (which is further evidence to not use them) so, use traditional event assignment techniques instead, where a script attaches the event to the appropriate element.

Put a suitable identifier on the link, and use a script to attach an onclick event.
Don’t forget to break apart the text version of </script> piece, otherwise IE will screw up and think that it ends your script.

win.document.write('<H2><b>My Action Plan</H2><br>' +
    'My barrier: </b>' + inf2 + '<br><br>' +
    '<b>How will I remove/reduce this barrier?: </b>' + inf3 + '<br><br>' +
    '<b>When this is to be achieved by: </b>' + inf4 + '<br><br>' +
    '<B>Steps I am to take to achieve this: </b>' + inf5 + '<br><br>' +
    '<html>' +
        '<head><title>popup</title></head>' +
        '<body>' +
            '<br><br>' +
            '<a id="print" href="print.html"><img src="" height="35px" width="132px" border="0"></a>' +
            '<script type="text/javascript">' +
            'var link = document.getElementById("print");' +
            'link.onclick = function () {' +
                'window.print();' +
                'return false;' +
            '};' +
            '</scr' + 'ipt>' +
        '</body>' +

Thank you for your help but unfortunetly its still not working. I’m thinking it may be easier to just put a sentence at the bottom of the page telling them to print it manually.

That’s a good idea - it’s the most compatible solution.