Hi Chaps,
I have a basic Online Shop Application:
tbl_category (cat_id, category, fk_cat_id, sub_cat_id, sub_category)
tbl_product (prod_id, fk_sub_cat_id, prod_title, prod_price, prod_thumb, prod_image, prod_price)
tbl_product_size (prod_size_id, prod_size)
tbl_product_has_size (prod_has_size_id, fk_prod_id, fk_prod_size_id, prod_quantity)
tbl_shopid (shop_id, shop_title)
tbl_shop_has_product (shop_has_prod_id, fk_shop_id, fk_prodid)
A product can be in more than one shop, have various sizes and different quantities of those sizes.
In the Backend Admin pages, I want to have a Shop Summary page, which will list the shops and its products + product quantities.
At the moment, I have a query:
mysql_select_db($database_dbconnect, $dbconnect);
$query_rsShop = "SELECT tbl_shop_has_prod.shop_has_prod_id, tbl_shop_has_prod.FK_shop_id, tbl_shop_has_prod.FK_prod_id, tbl_shop.shop_id, tbl_shop.shop_title, tbl_product.prodtitle, tbl_product_has_size.prod_quantity FROM tbl_shop_has_prod INNER JOIN tbl_shop ON tbl_shop.shop_id=tbl_shop_has_prod.FK_shop_id INNER JOIN tbl_product ON tbl_product.prod_id=tbl_shop_has_prod.FK_prod_id INNER JOIN tbl_product_has_size ON tbl_product_has_size.FK_prod_id=tbl_product.prod_id WHERE tbl_shop_has_prod.FK_shop_id=tbl_shop.shop_id AND tbl_product.prod_id=tbl_shop_has_prod.FK_prod_id";
$rsShop = mysql_query($query_rsShop, $dbconnect) or die(mysql_error());
$row_rsShop = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsShop);
$totalRows_rsShop = mysql_num_rows($rsShop);
// PHP
<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" id="tblrepeat">
$previousShop = '';
$previousProduct = '';
if ($totalRows_rsShop > 0) {
// Show if recordset not empty
do {
if ($previousShop != $row_rsShop['shop_id']) {
// for every Shop, show the Shop Name
//if ($previousProduct != $row_rsShop['prod_id']) {
// for every Product, show the Product Name
<td><?php echo $row_rsShop['shop_title']; ?></td>
<td> </td>
<td> </td>
<?php $previousShop = $row_rsShop['shop_id']; } ?>
<td> </td>
<td><?php echo $row_rsShop['prodtitle']; ?> </td>
<td><?php echo $row_rsShop['prod_quantity']; ?></td>
<?php //$previousProduct = $row_rsShop['proj_id']; } ?>
<?php } while ($row_rsShop = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsShop)); ?>
<?php } // Show if recordset not empty ?>
that produces something like this(e.g. for SHOP 1):
BLUE DRESS (25 / Size S)
BLUE DRESS (25 / Size M)
BLUE DRESS (25 / Size L)
BLUE DRESS (25 / Size XL)
RED TOP (50 / Size M)
What I’m after is to produce something like this:
- SHOP 1
BLUE DRESS (Total: 100)
RED TOP (Total: 50)
- SHOP 2
RED TOP (Total: 50) - SHOP 3
GREEN SKIRT (Total: 75)
How do I either alter my QUERY to group it together, or alter the PHP to produce the results as I require??? Arrrghhhh!