Possible for too many backlinks too quick?

Can obtaining too many quality backlinks, within too short of a timeframe, end up having a detrimental influence on a site? A site with only a handful of mid-range quality links from the start.

  • Wouldn’t this be considered grey hat?

[FONT=Verdana]Do you have a particular strategy in mind to achieve this?

It certainly won’t be an automatic penalty. There are many reasons why a site might suddenly have a huge spike. Sometimes sites can be featured in wider media and just catch the public attention, suddenly they’re being tweeted, dugg, shared, linked (etc) left, right and centre. Google isn’t going to rule those sites out of contention arbitrarily.[/FONT]

Wouldn’t this be considered grey hat?

Not really. “White hat” and “black hat” describe how you go about your SEO. What you’re talking about is the end result, not how you get there. You might be achieving those squillions of links through either a white or black hat strategy – just because we don’t know which it is doesn’t stop it from being one or the other!

#1 is unique/exceptional quality content & user experience to motivate linking, bringing real value to their site visitors. While making minimal ad placements on pages. Not so easily done. Then the contact.

Bingo! That’s exactly what Google wants to see – real value for site visitors. If that’s how you’re going to achieve your squillions of backlinks then Google will be delighted.

As has already been covered it depends on how they built for sure, if all of a sudden you’ve got a couple of hundred crappy directory links Google will catch in. If all these links were to appear because of some great viral content you created the links would likely not incur a penalty.

Custom content is the way to go with Google at this point. It is the best received method for ranking. Google is also constantly updating and changing so if you want your site to remain popular and well indexed than you may want to keep up with all the changes. Google actually has a blog where they publish the updates. I think it is once a month that the updates for the month are published in full. Feb. and March saw heavy changes.

Yes they do: http://insidesearch.blogspot.com/

If it’s the visitors who are making those links to your site, then it wouldn’t be a penalty. It just means that you’ve encouraged them to link to your site well.

hey ozsubas thanks for the insidesearch link, I had no idea something like this was also there…

It depends on your strategy…how are you getting these links? i.e if you post something that results in thousands of people sharing it/ retweeting etc then that will boost your link profile but its not grey hat, its a natural method of link building and its quite difficult as it was mentioned above…On the other hand if you are buying loads of links to your site then that is black hat.