Porfolio website review

I have been doing web sites for over 2 years now. I have a portfolio website set up at http://www.mcuffee.com and would like some feedback on the website and also my web design samples. I eventually want to use this site to obtain a career in web design or gain some clients on the side. Thank you in advance for your feedback and advice.

Looks like a great start - it might be worth looking into some frameworks (Twitter Bootstrap, Foundation) to provide a starting block for your work and handling things like basic responsive design and layout!

I noticed on the Ciara T Parker site, the menu bar is fixed, but seems to appear behind some of the other elements when scrolling - you could use the z-index css property to stop this from happening, and maybe increasing the opacity would help it become a little more legible when laid over other elements on the page.

Thank you for your feedback. For the Ciara website i am in the process or redesigning the page the current draft version is http://www.ciaraparker.com/newsite/index1.php. I just went with a plain type of structure without the header being fixed. What other improvements, if any would you suggest I make to the site or samples?

At a glance I would suggest getting a feel for an appropriate padding for content. I generally prefer a 15px or 30px padding from the border and the content, this makes it much more appealing to read. Sans-serif also makes for a more friendly experience in body copy.

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