Pls help me create a school timetable

I need do a timetable for the primary school.I have 5 level, each level i have 4 class… and the teacher cannot be same…can someone help me? i have 8 period per day…after that i need save the data to php

OK, show us what you’ve done so far so we can help you. My first step would be to draw out a list of what I need to store in the database, to help decide what table layouts to use. I presume you mean that you need to save the data to MySQL, rather than to PHP.

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i need insert timetable id , period number ,subject name , teacher id , day name, class into my database. i am no idea to do that i haven’t start to do this part.

did you even do anything? what about the table layouts @droopsnoot mentioned? start with these.

Welcome to the forums, @stephen_C. Do you have any prior experience with coding for web applications?

If so, what background do you have? There is no point us helping you with something that is totally outside your realm of knowledge, because we would end up doing it all for you.

If not, your first step should be to build some skills in that area. Your other option would be to hire somebody to do it for you. We would love to help you along the way if you provide us with what you have so far, but I think you won’t find anybody here will want to do your work for you for free.


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