Picasa API Issues

Im trying to do a basic upload to my Picasa album. I’ve tried the example in the documentation and one found on another site. Both fail with no error at the last step, a call to


Zend is set up correctly and pathing is correct. I know this because the test script they provide comes back all tests ok.

Any ideas why? Below is the test script

<!DOCTYPE html 
  PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
    <title>Adding photos to an album</title>
    body {
      font-family: Verdana;      
    li {
      border-bottom: solid black 1px;      
      margin: 10px; 
      padding: 2px; 
      width: auto;
      padding-bottom: 20px;
    h2 {
      color: red; 
      text-decoration: none;  
    span.attr {
      font-weight: bolder;  
    <h1>Add Photo</h1>
    <?php if (!isset($_POST['submit'])) { ?>
    <form method="post" action="<?php 
     echo htmlentities($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); ?>" enctype="multipart/form-data">
      Title: <br/>
      <input name="title" type="text" size="25" /><p/>
      File to upload: <br/>
      <input name="photofile" type="file" /><p/>      
      Tags: <br/>
      <input name="tags" type="text" size="25" /><p/>
      <input name="submit" type="submit" value="Save" />
    } else {
      // load classes
	  $clientLibraryPath = '/var/www/vhosts/sitename.com/httpdocs/standards/ZendGdata-1.10.0/library/';
	  $oldPath = set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . $clientLibraryPath);
      require_once 'Zend/Loader.php';
      // connect to service
      $svc = Zend_Gdata_Photos::AUTH_SERVICE_NAME;
      $user = "userid@gmail.com";
      $pass = "secret";
      $client = Zend_Gdata_ClientLogin::getHttpClient($user, $pass, $svc);
      $gphoto = new Zend_Gdata_Photos($client);
      // validate input
      if (empty($_POST['title'])) {
        die('ERROR: Missing title');
      // sanitize input
      $title = htmlentities($_POST['title']);
      $tags = htmlentities($_POST['tags']);

      // set album name
      $albumName = "France2008";

      // construct photo object
      // save to server      
      try {        
        $photo = $gphoto->newPhotoEntry();
        // set file
        $file = $gphoto->newMediaFileSource($_FILES['photofile']['tmp_name']);
        // set title
        // set tags
        $photo->mediaGroup = new Zend_Gdata_Media_Extension_MediaGroup();
        $keywords = new Zend_Gdata_Media_Extension_MediaKeywords();
        $photo->mediaGroup->keywords = $keywords;
        // link to album
        $album = $gphoto->newAlbumQuery();        
        // save photo
        $gphoto->insertPhotoEntry($photo, $album->getQueryUrl()); 
      } catch (Zend_Gdata_App_Exception $e) {
        echo "Error: " . $e->getResponse();
      echo 'Photo successfully added!';      