PHP redirect after form submit


I am trying to work out how to create a redirect after a forms submission. I am using the Zoo component with Joomla and currently as frontend form that upon the suibmit button being activated, redirects the user to a clean form with a basic thankyou message. I am trying to instead, have the user redirected to a specific url instead of getting hit with the form again. I have managed to work out that it probably has to do with the following code (part of a bigger picture), but I am a bit green when it comes to PHP…:blush: would very much appreciate any ideas or leads…

kind regards,


 // set redirect message
				$msg = $this->submission->isInTrustedMode() ? JText::_('Thanks for your submission.') : JText::_('Thanks for your submission. It will be reviewed before being posted on the site.');

				// trigger saved event
				$this->app->event->dispatcher->notify($this->app->event->create($this->submission, 'submission:saved', array('item' => $this->item, 'new' => !$edit)));

            } else {

				// add post data to session if form is not valid
				$this->app->system->application->setUserState($this->session_form_key, serialize($post));


        } catch (SubmissionControllerException $e) {

			$error = true;

            // raise warning on exception
            $this->app->error->raiseWarning(0, (string) JText::_($e));

        } catch (AppException $e) {

			$error = true;

            // raise warning on exception
            $this->app->error->raiseWarning(0, JText::_('There was an error saving your submission, please try again later.'));

            // add exception details, for super administrators only
            if ($this->user->superadmin) {
                $this->app->error->raiseWarning(0, (string) $e);


        // redirect to mysubmissions
        if ($this->redirectTo == 'mysubmissions' && !$error) {
            $link = $this->app->route->mysubmissions($this->submission);
        // redirect to edit form
        } else {
			$link = $this->app->route->submission($this->submission, $this->type->id, $this->hash, $this->item_id, $this->redirectTo);

        $this->setRedirect(JRoute::_($link, false), $msg);

    public function remove() {

        // init vars
        $msg = null;

        try {


            if (!$this->submission->isInTrustedMode()) {
                throw new AppControllerException('The submission is not in Trusted Mode.');

			// get item table and delete item
			$table = $this->app->table->item;

            $item = $table->get($this->item_id);

            // is current user the item owner and does the user have sufficient user rights
            if ($item->id && (!$item->canAccess($this->user) || $item->created_by != $this->user->id)) {
                throw new AppControllerException('You are not allowed to make changes to this item.');


			// set redirect message
			$msg = JText::_('Submission Deleted');

			// trigger deleted event
			$this->app->event->dispatcher->notify($this->app->event->create($item, 'submission:deleted'));

		} catch (AppException $e) {

            // raise warning on exception
            $this->app->error->raiseWarning(0, JText::_('There was an error deleting your submission, please try again later.'));

            // add exception details, for super administrators only
            if ($this->user->superadmin) {
                $this->app->error->raiseWarning(0, (string) JText::_($e));


        $this->setRedirect(JRoute::_($this->app->route->mysubmissions($this->submission), false), $msg);

Anyone? I am really stuck here!