php_pdf.dll Conundrum Windows - the magical non existent dll file

Hi Really need some help with this am extremely confused.

Currently developing an Intranet Database App that is running on Windows SBS Server 2003 and IIS 6. Installed MYSQL, PHPMYADMIN and PHP 5.3.6 (from the windows binaries download section on and everything is working fine except dynamic pdf generation.

I already have the Intranet Site working locally on my machine with WAMP, PHP 5.2.0, MYSQL and PHPMYADMIN locally i can go to my ext folder inside php and the extension php_pdf.dll is there and consequently i can generate pdf’s no prob.

If i go to the same folder ext inside my php folder (on the main server not locally like above) no such extension exists. So i have spent most of today trawling the web trying to find the right download file (as one post mentioned that you have to have the right version or it wont work) but with no success i have tried about 5 different versions of the dll file including the one from my wamp installation from php 5.2.0.

I have checked the php.ini locally and the extension=php_pdf.dll is there but when i first checked the php.ini on the main server on the 5.3.6 download it is not. So i added it and uncommented it but still no good.

I then decided to download every current version of the binaries on for windows (none had this file) so i hit the archives and download some older versions (none had this file).

Currently everytime i add a new php_pdf.dll to the ext folder i then check to see if loaded with phpinfo(); but absolutely nothing. Is this extension available on windows? or is it depreciated? i have tried php_pdflib also but don’t know if i’m missing something does anyone have the answer or have the same problem ? Alternatively does anyone know of another way to dynamically create pdf’s with php ?
