PHP MySQL Query - Display all items within the same order


I am having some problems with my mysql database and php queries.

I have a simple table (‘database_table’) that stores order details from my online gift shop. The table is set up as follows:

id | order_code | item_code | item_description | name

1 | 56743 | 56AAY | Fruit Bowl | Joe
2 | 56743 | 518VB | Aftershave | Joe
3 | 88932 | 11TQW | Red Mug | Mary

Each item (defined by item_code and item_description) within the order will be added to a separate row.

On orders such as ‘56743’ (Joe), there are two entries as they have ordered 2 items within the 1 order.

Now my problem is that i want to set up a query that pulls order ‘56743’ from the database and displays all the items within the order.

I have the following PHP code for my query:

$query="SELECT * FROM database_table WHERE order_code='56743'";	

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
   echo "
   <p>Your Order:</p>
   <p>Your Name: ".$row['name']."</p>
   <p>Your Order Code:".$row['order_code']."</p>
   <p>Your Item Codes:".$row['item_code']."</p>
   <p>Your Item Descriptions:".$row['item_description']."</p>";

This outputs the following:

Your Order:
Your Name: Joe
Your Order Code: 56743
Your Item Codes: 56AAY
Your Item Descriptions: Fruit Bowl
Your Order:
Your Name: Joe
Your Order Code: 56743
Your Item Codes: 518VB
Your Item Descriptions: Aftershave

But i only want it to output the ‘item_code’ and ‘item_description’ more than once if the order has several items, The ‘name’ and ‘order_code’ i only want to be displayed once (so as below:)

Your Order:
Your Name: Joe
Your Order Code: 56743
Your Item Codes: 56AAY
Your Item Codes: 518VB
Your Item Descriptions: Fruit Bowl
Your Item Descriptions: Aftershave

I am quite new to mysql so apologies if this isn’t explained to well and for the length of it!

Thanks in advance for any help


I think there are some potential problems with your table design but that is another issue. To help solve your immediate need what you can do is as you loop through $result, store the current values of $row[‘name’] and $row[‘item_code’] in a variable called $current_name and $current_item for example. Then on each iteration through the loop if the values of name or item_code are the same as $current_name or $current_item, don’t echo them out. If the name and item_code are different to the current values, reset the current values to the new name and item_code and then echo the new name and item_code.


Thanks for the reply Shastah, sorry i am very new to setting up mySQL databases and tables, can you recommend me or show me any links on how i should set up my table design correctly?

Oddball25, if you got this far it means you already understand at least the basics of some code you run into. First, you could try SitePoint’s PHP & MySQL book, but it’s always a good idea to take a look at other open source projects similar to what you want to do. Just take a look at their MySQL tables and other stuff you’re interested in.

See this article: 8 Best Open Source Shopping Carts

the “name” column depends on the order, and not on the order item

further, the item description depends on the item, not on the order item

you need three tables – orders, items, and order_items