I have a question about one of my clients contact forms.
My client came to me yesterday and said they were having a problem with their contact form , the date field will not recognise 2011 or above.
I am really unsure what is causing the problem, it does work when i use 2010 in the date field.
The code I have in the process.php is the following
include_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/securimage/securimage.php';
$securimage = new Securimage();
if ($securimage->check($_POST['captcha_code']) == false) {
die('The code you entered was incorrect. Please press back button on your browser and try again.');
//create short variable names
$message="Client's detail as follows \
Name: $name \
Telephone: $telephone \
Email: $email \
Number Of Players: $numberOfPlayers \
Playing Date: $dateOfPlay \
Enquiry: $enquiry";
//modify the next line with your own email address
mail($toaddress,"Website Booking Enquiry",$message,"From: $name <$email>");
//clear the variables
echo "<script language=javascript>alert('Thank you for your request.'); window.location = 'booking.html'</script>";
if anyone could help me with this problem it would be fantastic
Thanks in advance