PHP doesn't work
This is my current code it outputs nothing to the website, not even an html tag I am using apache2 with phpmyadmin and sql in conjunction with nginx I tested with just <?php echo 'Help!' ?> and that doesnt even work. edit: in the blank space it is supposed to be a table but it is not showing so I will put the code on pastebin instead.

You are using mysqli_* wrong. You are stuffing bind_result() where it doesn’t belong. I assume you are thinking that bind_result() and bind_param are the same thing which they AREN’T.

bind_result() is basically the equivalent of while($row = $query->fetch()) in PDO.

bind_param is only needed when there is client input such as

SELECT forum_id, forum_name FROM forum_table WHERE forum_id = ? LIMIT 1

That’s when you’ll need bind_param. Basically anywhere where there’s the WHERE clause since you need to prepare client input or you can potentially get SQL Injected.

Last but not least, <?php echo 'Help!' ?> is also wrong. You are missing the semi colon. <?php echo 'Help!'; ?> is the correct syntax.

Here’s the correct syntax for your snippet.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<div id="container">
$sql = "SELECT forum_id, forum_name FROM forum_tabl"; // SQL String
$query = $db->prepare($sql); // Prepare the SQL String
$query->execute(); // Execute the prepared statement
$query->store_result(); // Store the result for later

// Check if anything exists
// num_rows and rowCount() DOES NOT NEED TO BE COMPARED TO!!!!
// num_rows already returns a 1 (true) or a 0 (false)
if($query->num_rows) {

    // If num_rows returns a 1, it'll automatically go into this statement

    // bind_result should always be kept inside num_rows since you are creating the variables
    // When there is data to display.
    $query->bind_result($_id, $f_name);

    // $row isn't needed in mysqli_* as all the variables are being appended and assigned above.
    while($query->fetch()) {
            <td><?php echo $f_name;?></td>

} else {

    // If num_rows returns a 0, it'll automatically go into this statement
            <td>The records are empty.</td>

// There's no need to be redundant when using num_rows or rowCount() as it is default in this way.
// If you try and compare it to say 0 or 1, that's really redundant and can be re-factored to just this
// As it will return the EXACT results, but with no redundancy.

Tested it and it displays this for me.

Also, if nothing is showing on the page, then that means that there’s an error some where. Most likely from the db_connect.php file.

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