PDO: how to populate html table with rows from database table?

Thanks, that’s useful. I didn’t know how to change the default fetch mode. I’m new to pdo myself, I just finished converting all my scripts to it this past weekend. I wish I’d known this before.

Only i need is “while()” to print rows for all selectbox. How to make “while” to do this.

function get_info($db, $predmet)
    $sql = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM raspored WHERE predmet = :predmet");
    $sql->execute([':predmet' => $predmet]);
    if ($row = $sql->fetch()) {
        return $row;
    return false;


<table border="0" class="table table-hover table-striped">
    <tr COLSPAN=2 BGCOLOR="#6D8FFF">
    if (isset($_POST['predmet1'], $_POST['predmet2'], $_POST['predmet3'], $_POST['predmet4'])) {
        if ($row = get_info($db, $_POST['predmet1'], $_POST['predmet2'], $_POST['predmet3'], $_POST['predmet4'])) {
            echo "<tr>" .
                "<td>" . $row["ID"] . "</td>" .
                "<td>" . $row["predmet"] . "</td>" .
                "<td>" . $row["profesor"] . "</td>" .
				"<td>" . $row["den"] . "</td>" .
				"<td>" . $row["chas"] . "</td>" .
				"<td>" . $row["prostorija"] . "</td>" .
				"<td>" . $row["tip"] . "</td>" .
        } else {
            echo "don't exist records for list on the table";


that’s the same as writing return $sql->fetch().

second, your get_info() function only supports a single value, not multiple values (for which you would need to repeatedly execute the prepared statement).

$stmt = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM raspored WHERE predmet = :predmet");
$stmt->bindParam('predmet', $predmet, PDO::PARAM_STR);

// enumerated variables are a sign that you should use arrays instead
// i.e. use <input name="predmet[]"> instead of <input name="predmet1">/<input name="predmet2">/etc.
foreach ($_POST['predmet'] as $predmet) {
    echo result_to_html($stmt); // needs to be written

I make changes but don’t work. There is not errors but don’t generate table.

function get_info($db, $predmet)
	$stmt = $db->prepare("SELECT * FROM raspored WHERE predmet = :predmet");
	$stmt->bindParam('predmet', $predmet, PDO::PARAM_STR);
	foreach ($_POST['predmet'] as $predmet) {


<table border="0" class="table table-hover table-striped">
    <tr COLSPAN=2 BGCOLOR="#6D8FFF">
    if (isset($_POST['save'])) {
        if ($stmt = get_info($db, $_POST['predmet[1]'])) {
            echo "<tr>" .
                "<td>" . $stmt["ID"] . "</td>" .
                "<td>" . $stmt["predmet"] . "</td>" .
                "<td>" . $stmt["profesor"] . "</td>" .
				"<td>" . $stmt["den"] . "</td>" .
				"<td>" . $stmt["chas"] . "</td>" .
				"<td>" . $stmt["prostorija"] . "</td>" .
				"<td>" . $stmt["tip"] . "</td>" .

of course it doesn’t work. I omitted the more or less inappropriate get_info() function for a reason.

What else i need to change or add?

create the result_to_html() function, which fetches the result from the statement and puts it into an HTML table.

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