Passing .attr() an array to capture multiple values

Now, I know that with methods like .css() you can pass it a single string to return the CSS property value on the matched elements like this:

var myColor = $("p").css("color");

And I know you can pass it an array of properties for it to create an object literal, like this:

var myProperties = $("p".css([ "color", "font-weight", "font-style" ]);

And that you can set properties by either a single property, or sending an object literal, ie:

$("p").css("color", "red");
$("p").css({ color: "red", fontWeight: "bold", fontStyle: "italic" });

But correct me if I’m wrong, I thought you could do all of the above with the .attr() method as well? Yet if I do:

var myAttribs = $("p").attr([ "id", "class", "style" ]);

Then jQuery throws an error. I’m using 1.10 right now. Am I just shrooming that I thought .attr() supported this?

Sorry, but the attr documentation page doesn’t seem to show any support for multiple terms.

Using the jQuery source viewer you can see that with [URL=“”]jQuery.css it has additional code to deal with arrays, whereas with [URL=“”]jQuery.attr method there is no array support.