Parsing xml document and to save doc's on local disk

Hi to everyone,
I want to parse xml document which is on my server and I want to parse this articles inside tags to download on my local computer disk (not the server disk).
<pdf>PHP_Anthology.pdf </pdf> <pdf>PHP_AnthologyVolumeII.pdf </pdf>
<pdf>Linux.pdf </pdf>

Is this possible ?


i think question is
parse xml
download the file(pdf) listed with in pdf tag

there can be numerous ways to do it
some of the function that comes to my mind is
curl and regex (can use xpath as well)
i am assuming all the files are in same site or url otherwise you will need to generate idea to prepend url
hope i have not misunderstood the question :slight_smile:

thanks for replying. All files are on the same server. I’ll take a closer look on these function you recommend me.


if taking out file is only your concern then why dont you use desktop application …i think many destop application downloader can do it…

for eg,if the pdf file you are trying to download in 4mb then it will be big for php to handle its download and can also give timeouts haulting the total process…

so may be you need to look at desktop solutions