Parameters array problem

Hi, can i ask is it possible to insert this in my table

suppose i have this function addgroup($groupname,$groupsize,$grouplevel)

now those parameters in addgroup function are posted in array

how do insert them to my table ?

I tried to use foreach but i did not achieve it gives me syntax error.

 function  addgroup($groupname,$groupsize,$grouplevel){
     foreach($groupname as $gp,$groupsize as $gpsize, $grouplevel as $gplevel){

              Insert statement here ................


I use foreach so that i can extract the values and insert them in my table during loop…This is okay if it’s only one parameter but how do I solved that kind of problem with multiple parameter and with and array of values?

Thank you in advance.

Who knows.
What do the arrays contain? How is the table structure? What is the code you have where the … are?

I would suggest building your arrays with common keys, then use this key to get matching values.

//As a sample, build each array with a common loop.  Either assign a common KEY or leave blank.
$groupname[] = "BIG GROUP";
$groupsize[] = "BIG";
$grouplevel[] = "FIRST CLASS";
//These "arrays" will all have a common	KEY of 0

// Use thses common keys to identify matching values
function  addgroup($groupname,$groupsize,$grouplevel){
	foreach($groupname as $groupKEY => $gp){
		$gpsize = $groupsize[$groupKEY];
		$gplevel = $grouplevel[$groupKEY];
		//Insert statement here ................

Hi, Drummin
Thank you it’s working :slight_smile: