On the follwing link, the page simply stops displaying at a certain point. I don’t know if it is something wrong in css or somewhere else.
I have coded a complete page upto the footer but the display is cut off in the middle of the content. What is this? Can somebody tell? It is the same in ie and mozilla.
August 29, 2010, 9:56am
You could try browsershots .
August 28, 2010, 8:43am
It’s haslayout at play again (see css faq).
Add this:
.topmenu {
[B] width:100%;
Get rid of #container { overflow: hidden; }
The rule should be on line 37 of main.css.
That should do it.
I have another question for the same link above. The top menu bar does not show in ie6. Can you plase tell why?
How stupid of me! Now I see I have given the #container a height of 1000px. Ofcourse it wiould display only 1000px and then cut off the rest.
Thanx for pointing out the id.
Yes. Adding a width did it. Thank you.
Do you know of any software/website, anything, where I can check my sites for mac?