code country1 country
(1) Japan China
(2) France China
(3) Germany France
(4) Germany Japan
(5) China Japan
(6) France Germany
(7) Japan France[/code]I have a table like the above.

I like to produce my target result below with “France”

Japan Germany China

The code below produces the result below.


SELECT * FROM (SELECT 'France', country2 as country FROM myTable WHERE country1='France' ORDER BY id) t1 UNION SELECT * FROM (SELECT 'France', country1 as country FROM myTable WHERE country2='France' ORDER BY id) t2


China Germany Japan

I expect my target result above with the code below.

SELECT * FROM (SELECT 'France', country2 as country 31 FROM myTable 32 WHERE country1='France' 33 ORDER BY id desc) t1 34 UNION 35 SELECT * FROM (SELECT 'France', country1 as country 36 FROM myTable 37 WHERE country2='France' 38 ORDER BY id desc) t2

But the code above produces the target below.

Germany China Japan
I want my target result below.

Japan Germany China
How can I get my target result above?

remember the other thread you started on this problem? i suggested you do it ~without~ the id

since you apparently still want to use it, i suggest you go back to the other thread and work on @swampBoogie’s solution

[code]$list=mysql_query(“select min(id) as id,
from (select id,
case when country1 = ‘Japan’ then country2 else country1 end
from myTable
where ‘Japan’ in (country1,country2)) dt(id,country)
by country
by id”);

while($rows=mysql_fetch_array($list)) { $id=$rows[‘id’];
echo $id.‘
}[/code]I tried the code above which is applied with swampBoogie’s solution.
But it produces the error "Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource ".

How can I fix it?

And I don’t understand the meaning of dt in dt(id, country).

this is a php error

run the query outside of php to see the actual mysql error

I don’t know the way how to run the query outside of php to see the actual mysql error.
How can I make the way to run the query outside of php to see the actual mysql error?

how many years have you been working with mysql?

that might sound harsh to anyone not familiar with your history here on sitepoint but sheesh, come on, man

[quote=“r937, post:6, topic:263225”]
how many years have you been working with mysql?
that might sound harsh to anyone not familiar with your history here on sitepoint but sheesh, come on, man
[/quote]I am afraid that I don’t clearly understand your thought and feeling by the quote above due to maybe I am not a English native.

Although I have my own reason for your criticism, I won’t tell the excuses fully. just tell “I am sorry”.

By the way,

[quote=“joon1, post:3, topic:263225”]
Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource
[/quote]About the Warning above,
You said,

[quote=“r937, post:4, topic:263225”]
this is a php error
[/quote]I think the php error is coming from mySQL result resource,
I have experienced It always occur when SQL has problems.

I like to know the meaning of dt in dt(id, country).

if swampBoogie named it
why did he use the word dt?
What is the full word of it?

Take it mercy…

The following is one of my trials without id from @swampBoogie’s solution.

from (select id,
case when country1 = ‘Japan’ then country2 else country1 end
from myTable
where ‘Japan’ in (country1,country2)) dt(country)
by country
by id”);

while($rows=mysql_fetch_array($list)) {
}[/code]But the code above still produces “Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource”

How can I fix the error(warning)?

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