Online Radio Players and 508

Hi everyone,

How does one make an online streaming radio player 508? I have been googling for 15 minutes and I can’t find anything that relates to my question.

Is there a pre-built player that can be purchased to fill this need. What can I do to make my own if such a thing does not already exist.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Cloud, I will vouch and say I am the resident 508 expert.

The way I deem something like that passes 508 is that the station should not automatically start on page load. Also all controls must be operable using the keyboard. In other words, I can hit play/pause, stop, forward, back by tabbing to it and hit the space/enter key to activate it. The volume should also be able to be adjusted using the keyboard, I would say once it is given focus, the arrow keys should adjust it.

There are none that I know of. This is an accessible YouTube player made by an acquaintance of mine: Easier watching of YouTube videos