Online catalogue

Good morning,

I’d like to have an online catalogue like this:

Could you please point me how to create it? Is there any application involved?
Currently I have a traditional catalogue in PDF.

Thanks a lot.

If you look at the view source, it looks that it is just a set of images wrapped in HTML with some Javascript to create the effect when you pass the page.

I understand why you would want it… I personally find it a bit annoying. Unless you hit the sweet spot on the rigth top corner, you don’t have a clue how to go to the next page. I find that bad user experience.

Why that was designed so it doesn’t show until it gets hovered is beyond me.

I would not take the time to look for it even if I had thought something like that might have been there.
I have better things to do besides moving all over the page looking for hidden things to magically appear.

I thought the options were to view thumbnails or download. Neither of which appealed to me so I Closed the tab.

@Sir_Arcturua This kind of animation will be useful to your site only if you know for sure that the majority of your visitors will benefit from it.

There was a time when we could see animations all around the web. Thank goodness, those times have gone.

Animations and “cool” effects are good if they provide an improved functionality or make the life of the user easier. While I like this animation for the purpose of learning, this is something I wouldn’t use because it is not easy for a visitor. Although with some improvements its functionality could be better. But is it worth it? Only if my visitors really like it. If they get tired of it too soon… it is not.

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FWIW, there are jQuery plugins like turn.js to achieve effects like this. There seem to be paid solutions for automatically converting your PDF to such an image slider as well, sophisticated WP plugins etc., but as @molona noted, the idea itself is rather simple.

Re. UX, I think those “flip brochures” are usually meant as a convenient in-page version of the PDF, rather than as a substitute for a real online catalogue… such as supermarket leaflets and the like.

Thanks a lot for all your answers. I will investigate further based on.

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