ODBC Syntax error? Hmm

Yea I just tried that, it times out after 30 seconds.

silverbullet, this ain’t mysql

SHOW CREATE TABLE and LIMIT both work ~only~ in mysql

the nice thing about SQL standards is that there are so many to choose from!!

:smiley: :smiley:

9three, do you have any front-end program that will let you connect to the database to run some sql, rather than running the queries through php?

something like visual studio, query manager, or anything similar?

Instead of LIMIT use TOP

SELECT TOP 1 qty_shipped FROM table

No I don’t r937 :frowning:

I tried converting it to a varchar to see if it would sort it but it was a no go

ORDER BY CONVERT (varchar, ".$columnSort.") ".$viewSort."";

try this –


No, same results :-\