Now here's a peculiar website behavior

It’s not my site, it’s the blog of Scott Adams, famous cartoonist (Dilbert).

In this blog he offers contemplations and rants about the present and the future. There is a comments area which is particularly intelligent compared with most other comment areas. But it behaves in a very suspicious manner.

When I go to the page, the comments section, my comments do not show, but everyone else’s do. If I log in, mine do show. It’s almost as though they want to exclude me, but the want to hide the fact of exclusion from me so they made my comments magically appear to me when I log in.

Or what? Anyone want to explain how a web developer could do this, and why he would want to?

Thank you for the kindness of reading this

Boy named Pseu

It might be because your comments haven’t been approved yet for public view.

On some websites, comments are automatically moderated until they are reviewed by the operators of the website to make sure it’s a legitimate comment and not spam or something distasteful.

That is true but I don’t think that it’s relevant. It happens without regard to time.

And the question is, why do the entries only show when I’m logged in? And how do they do that? And why?


They likely get approved whenever the moderators happen to get a chance to review them.

And the question is, why do the entries only show when I’m logged in? And how do they do that? And why?

You can see your own comments, even if they haven’t been made public yet. Refer to my previous response as to the why. As for the how, most CMS or blogging software have built-in mechanisms and/or add-on plugins that allows the website owners to specify how comments are received and posted.