Normalize complicated data in javascript using map and reduce

I want to do a radar chart but I have no control for the api output, so I have to turn a complicated data into some form. I’m stuck for at least half an hour.

How can I turn this raw data

 const raw = [{
   "device_info": {
     "device_id": 123,
     "name": "iphone",
   "age_data": [{
     "age_range": "0-10",
     "total_count": 15,
     "man": 6,
     "women": 9
   }, {
     "age_range": "11-20",
     "total_count": 11,
     "man": 7,
     "women": 4
 }, {
  "device_info": {
     "device_id": 456,
     "name": "android",
   "age_data": [{
     "age_range": "0-10",
     "total_count": 1,
     "man": 1,
     "women": 0
   }, {
     "age_range": "11-20",
     "total_count": 2,
     "man": 0,
     "women": 2

into this

 const data = [{
   age_group: '0-20',
   iphone: 26,
   android: 3
 }, {
   age_group: '21-30',
   iphone: 0,
   android: 0
 }, ];

Did you try with JSON.parse()?

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