samanime interesting approach.
For the project we’re working right now (it’s a community based site) we followed (till now-the project is still under heavy development) this process:
Prelimenary meeting with the client - 1st meeting
-goals and objectives
-Discussed what the site would offer to the visitor in terms of functionality
-Discussed about the desired look and feel, psycoloical responses the site would evoke - sites that like and dislike and why
In the meanwhile: Client was asked to gather and organise their content (mostly articles). The client hired copywriters.
2nd meeting with the client
-Modules required in base of functionality
-First thoughts and proposals about the functionality - modules proposed
-Wireframing (with pencil and paper) and information architecture
-1st photoshop mockup
-User testing and interaction with the client (no code yet) - the testing was made based on the mockups
Design approved
in the meanwhile while we were waiting for the client’s response and approval of the design:
-Research about the CMS that we were going to use based on the functionality required (custom or ready made? Open source or not? how easy would be to add custom functionality and templating/theming of our design? Would we need to learn new skills and how long would that take us? How easy it would be to find professional or community to help us out on that field?)
-Research conclutions. Drupal the most likely candidate.
From the first “iteration” or interaction we had these conclutions:
-Information architecture needed further refinenment
-More functionality had to be added (custom module that needed heavy planning, development, prototyping etc)
-New requirement that the site had to be accessible and easy to use even on mobile (the first mockup was designed with a 960px static layout, 12 column grid)
New iteration (3rd and 4rth meetings):
-Got the content that the client had so far
-New information architecure (approved)
-Wireframes that we made in the first iteration - showed the most likely candidates with the new requirements in mind (approved)
-New design to meet the new specifications and accomdate extra modules (photoshop mockups - approved)
-Coding the site (static)
-User testing of the static site with the participation -again- of the client, testing on multiple devices (smart phones - i-pad - desktop - resolutions and window sizes)
Static site approved - Facebook and Twitter pages designed (graphics, colors, custom tabs etc based on the initial concept) - Approved
1st milestone (36 days after the first meeting)
- Static site gone live (mostly articles - e-books and resources) with the content that the client had provided thus far, about page, contact form etc (architecture used was that of the first iteration)
-Facebook and twitter pages gone life
Thus far:
-we had a happy client that was motivated to participate and provide early content
-the client was participating in the design process and the development actively
-the client could use social media to promote the site and get insight,
-start builidng user base and anticipation about the the upcoming community
-SEO research could start and continue (based on the traffic statistics etc) while the site was being developed
-The client could continue producing content based on that insigh
-We looked good!
-In the meantime:
-Built a system on Drupal with the basic features discussed in the first meeting
-proposed extra functionality and incopporated in the system (we actually found a ready module that did what we wanted with only slight modifications on the output of th information and easy templating)
(in other words we built the 1st functional prototype)
New iteration:
-The client was introduced to the prototype and reviewed the functionility (front-end with the default theme of drupal - the client already knew where everything would be from the refined mockup we provided earlier in the process so we didn’t have a problem)
-The client was introduced to the administration section of the system
-User testing (considerations likehow easy was to add articles? How easy was for the content editors to interact with the system? Add categories and organise the content? etc) and training
Functionality approved - Drupal for the CMS approved
Thus far:
-the new content could be uploaded and managed through the CMS
-the client could interact with an actual system and get a feel of the functionality so we can start user testing
-content editors could start actually working with the system and provide insite about it
New iteration (where we’re at now)
- Custom theme (based on the HTML/CSS provided earlier in the process)
-Extra CSS and HTML based on the modules output - modifications and additions (code wise)
-Proposal and analysis of the extra module required (the module actually will go though feasibility test before even starting prototyping - with the feedback of the community - so this will be an new project and contract )
we have: estimation of 2-3 weeks till completion of the new iteration - the the dynamic site will go life with the basic functionality implemented (forums, user profiles, blogs, articles etc)
What do you think of this approach?