Hi guys, I’m new to web design, and I just want to introduce myself to the community. I’m currently taking the treehouse training courses, and it’s helped me learn alot about css and page layout. I’ve tried to code on my own, and I always end up with bugs that I can’t fix. It’s really disheartening. But I’m in this for the long run, so I hope some of you won’t mind helping me along. I’m looking forward to learning from you all, and also helping out when I can.


Yep, I’m new to the forum too, and the guys here are the most helpful that i’ve come across. Don’t be afraid to ask questions…

Very cool, thanks!

I’m trying to learn web development by building my brother a website. He’s a rapper, so it’s going to be mostly a blog-ish site. Maybe I’ll move on to to back end development eventually and code him up a forum.

Hi,scorcher863. Welcome to the forums.

If coders didn’t have questions, we would have nothing to do with our free evenings :slight_smile:

If you have not already done so, please click the link at the bottom of my post and read the the tips about posting code. Usually, the more information that you can provide that describes the issue, the better your chance will be of getting the help you seek quickly.

Welcome aboard :slight_smile: