I need help about SEO, i have a site and iam providing the details of my site and iam also providing the screenshot of the site.
URL: [noparse]http://www.wisdomjobs.com[/noparse]
On Homepage i linked same page links 3 times (example: pragnyameter), is this going to be any effect
The site has popup linking to other domain, when opening site the popup will open, is this going to be effect of my site seo.
My site contains slider (images) and it is loading slowly
I pointed to my subdomains (below) and it has nearly 15 to 20 links
I hope you will give the feedback of my site, also tell me the Negative feedback of the site. Thank You
You better not to redirect your visitors at once to another website. As it leave negative impression like if the user is landing on your website with his desired query and then he is redirected to other website doesn’t matter the website is same but popups sometimes leave negative impression to visitor as well as crawler too. So it is better to prevent your self from any slap from google you should avoid these tricks and work on ethical guidelines.
I think you have done a good job with the Seo and design of your site. As long as you are linking to your own subpages or subdomains, there is no problem. Remember search engines treat subdomains as separate sites so you will have to work harder to popularize those sub domains. If you are linking to any third party sites then be very careful with that.
You didn’t mention your linking intentions? How can we comment? You can need tell about your plans. Hope you are not asking for designers skills.