Need help with wrapInner and jquery tools scrollable

Okay, so in order to force the order of the way I want people to go through a ‘assistant’, i’m using the ‘navi’ element of the jquery tools package of scrollable. Basically tabs that will go to the appropriate pane. BUT, i’m not adding the anchor tag until they’ve completed a pane, THEN they can go back and make changes. So as seen below (not correct code), I’m trying to add with wrapInner via the live function. This is happening inside the onBeforeSeek function (part of scrollable), but it’s not working. For live to work does it only accept jquery ‘mandated’ event types?

I’m understanding why the navi element isn’t working, because there’s nothing there when the page loads…*what i’m not understanding is why the live isn’t working… is it the event type?

Here’s the code setup

Setup for the actual scrollable element

var root = $("#scroll_container").scrollable({speed:200}).navigator({

Addition for adding the link

if ($("#status li").eq(i).children('a').length == 0) {
	$("#status li").eq(i).live("onBeforeSeek", function() {
		$(this).wrapInner('<a href="#" />');

Thanks for any help/hints/urls whatever.