Need API to get location, lattitude & longitude by using IP Address of end user


Need help to get following information using IP address of end user.

Free API which will provide location, lattitude & longitude details for any public IP address.


I’d be very surprised if there’s any physical link to this kind of stuff. For example if you get my IP address, it’s going to be different every time I connect (probably), and it’s a mobile “dongle” so even if I could have a fixed IP, I could be using it 300+ miles away next time I connect up.

I have seen lists by ISP, and this web page does use some of that: - however for my connection it gets the country correct, and nothing else.

You’re going to be hard pressed to find a reliable service which does this. therefore, I’m going to recommend taking a look at maxmind. Maxmind provides a reliable payed service for doing this.

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