Navigation bar width extends until the windows scrollbar

Recently I am having some trouble with my css code. I was creating a parallax website with scroll function. This is the example of the website with parallax design. But now i have added a new plugin for my navigation bar. This is the example of the plugin that i have used in my website for the navigation bar [URL=“”] . Well after adding this slidebar plugin by navigation bar extends until the end of the scroll bar. This causes my stellar.js couldnt work. I would like to know are there any way to solve this problem. Since the file is too big i couldnt upload here, but if you really need it i can mail it to you. At the same time on my slide 1 there is an unwanted white space before slide 2.

Hi raaj5671. Welcome to the forums. :slight_smile:

Unfortunately, unless we can see the page in question there’s not much hope of you getting any help with this (just as a doctor can’t diagnose your illness over the phone). You should be able to post a test page somewhere—either on a site you own or on a code posting site site like CodePen.

Hi, raaj5671. Welcome to the forums.

We will need to see your code to provide any useful help. It would be most helpful if you can post a link to your site.

I am sorry but the code is too long and there are many js files in it and many css files too. Are there anyway i can share the code to you? maybe by mailing you it

We expect you to try to narrow down the cause of the problem. This is most easily done by eliminating unnecessary code. When you have a minimum of code left that demonstrates the problem, then you can post a working page directly on codepen or in a message here. We do not expect you to post the code to your entire site. That would not be reasonable nor would it be welcome.

Have you tried create a page with only enough code to show the problem? If not, please DO.

Please click the link at the bottom of my post for additional information about seeking help and posting code.

Also, are you able to post a link to the web page/site that you are building?