Nav menu help


i have a responsive nav menu. but i want to add a dropdown to it. can anyone help? here is my code:

> #menu {
>     margin: 2px;
> }
> #menu a {
>     text-decoration: none;
> }

> nav {
>     display: none;
>     font-family: 'Arial Black', 'Arial Bold', Gadget, sans-serif;
> 	text-align: center;
> 	background-color: green;
> 	border-bottom: 1px solid brown;
> }
> nav ul {
>     list-style-type: none;
>     padding-left: 0;
>     font-size: 0;

> }
> nav li {
>     display: block;
>     font-size: 16px;
>     color: white;
>     border-bottom: 0px solid cornflowerblue;
> }
> nav a {
>     display: block;
>     padding: 10px;
>     text-decoration: none;
>     color: inherit;
> }
> nav a:hover {
>     color: brown;
> 	border-bottom: 0px solid brown;
> }

> #navbar li ul {
> 	display: none; 

> }

> #navbar li:hover ul {
> 	/*text-align: center;*/
> 	display: block;
> 	position: relative;
>     vertical-align: left;
>     width:75px;
>     height:0px;
>     float:left;
> }

> #navbar li:hover li {
> 	float: none; 
> 	}

> /* styling for the dropdown child elements */	
> #navbar li:hover li a {
> 	background-color: pink;
> 	border-bottom: 1px solid #fff;
> 	color: white; 
> 	/*width: 575%;*/

> }

> #navbar li li a:hover {
> 	background-color: brown; 
> 	}

> /*----------------- code for the minimised navigation menu*/

> @media screen and (min-width: 800px) {
>     #menu {
>         display: none; /*this tells the browser not to load the normal nav menu for big screens - defined above */
>     }
>     nav {
>         display: block !important; 

>     }
>     nav li {
>         display: inline-block;
>     }

> 	/*#navbar li:hover li a { width: 250px;}*/



So I assume you are trying to do the drop down with jQuery and not CSS ? (perhaps then, it might be best if this post was moved)

Just to get you started on a solution tho: your script is not targeting the right selectors.
$(‘ul.nav [data-toggle=dropdown]’) would target a <UL class="nav"> that has decent element ( any descendant element) with the attribute data-toggle with the value dropdown… so with your actual markup- this selects none.
also you aretageting an element with an ID of ‘menu’ earlier in your script, but this element does not exist in your markup sample… but I will assume that element wraps around <nav id="navbar">, but w/o that wrapper the script won’t select anything either

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