Mysql sum different field derived from different tables

hi to all

In my search I used autosuggest. The problem now is I have to search the value in multiple fields such as firstname,middlename,lastname,caption etc. How to identify that the match string will belong on specific field name.

let say i have table

 firstname     middlename     lastname      caption
 james         kelly          tow           handsome
 timy          john           fung          fearless
 hanes         bing           ken           great

in my input field once I typed “j” I should select and ouput


Currently I just output the firstname so instead of the above result I came out like below which is not good.


It is possible? Any help would greatly appreciated.

Change your database query.

Instead of “SELECT … FROM table WHERE firstname LIKE ‘j%’” check all the columns

SELECT … FROM table WHERE firstname LIKE ‘j%’ OR middlename LIKE ‘j%’ OR lastname LIKE ‘j%’