mysql_real_escape_string and htmlspecialchars while matching

When you use the user input value in the query without quotes around it, then using mysql_real_escape_string gives no security at all. In this case, the only secure way (apart from using prepared statements) would be to make sure the product id contains a valid numeric value (like you do in your second query).

If $_REQUEST[‘product_id’] would contain ‘1 OR 1=1’ then your first query would become:

select * from product_table where product_id=1 OR 1=1

You need to alter your query string, it would be more so: product_id=1;DROP TABLE phone_covers; but that might not work either, as I can’t remember if MySQL permits the use of ; to separate multiple SQL statements.

However, as @guido2004 ; pointed out, you can easily get it to return more than 1 product by altering the query string to product_id=50 OR product_id%3D3

Good catch, I did miss that.

hi guido

If i use quotes around mysql_real_escape_string for product id then ‘product_id’ will accept any string and it will be harmful.

And without quotes mysql_real_escape_string is again not useful

qry2 = "select * from product_table where product_id='" . mysql_real_escape_string($_REQUEST['product_id'])."'"; 

This is what you were try to explain to me


That query isn’t harmful. If I put ‘1 OR 1=1’ in $_REQUEST[‘product_id’], that query just won’t return any rows, and that is right.

hi cp

i tried below code but it didnt dropped the table

http://localhost/site/injection.php?product_id=1;DROP TABLE phone_covers;

Is it something to do with mysql or php version


hi cp

Also while displaying the product_id i will be using intval or htmlspecialchars

echo intval($product_id);


It doesn’t matter for an integer based value, however, if you want to always display a 0 or the actual number, intval() will be better suited. As htmlspecialchars will let it display non-numeric values (if product_id were to somehow contain non-numeric values).

hi cp

Does htaccess url Shortening/rewriting helps in avoiding sql injection


No, as that data is simply passed back to your script.

hi cp

If i am already having mysql_real_escape_string in my query.

Then is it required to add mysql_real_escape_string
to the
variable values of the <a href> url link also

<a href=products.php?dealerid=1&dealername='samsung'> 

Do i need to convert the above link to

<a href=products.php?dealerid=".intval(1)."&dealername=".mysql_real_escape_string('samsung')."> 

EDIT : You already posted in your earlier post that mysql_real_escape_string is used only with where clause in query.

But still wanted to confirm.


No, but you may want to use urlencode() so that any characters such as & or = are converted to their hexidecimal format.

hi cp

what do we use to check whether value of intval is set or not




if($id == 0)


$id = 0;
if (isset($_REQUEST['id']) && is_numeric($_REQUEST['id']))
  //valid int
  $id = intval($_REQUEST['id']); 

hi cp

If $id is not set then it will always return “0” instead of NULL


With the way I wrote it, yes that is true. You can default it to null if you’d like.