MYSQL data Import Error

I am having error while using load data local infile on button when it is executed from my php program
–here’s the code

sc_exec_sql(“load data local infile ‘/PATH/IMPORT/FILE’ into table TABLETOIMPORT fields terminated by '\ ’ lines terminated by ’

this script returns:

Error while accessing the database:
The used command is not allowed with this MySQL version

but it works fine when i execute this same script on mysql on server command line (Ubuntu server)

load data local infile ‘/PATH/IMPORT/FILE’ into table TABLETOIMPORT fields terminated by '\ ’ lines terminated by ’

How to solve this problem??

Below are the details of my development environment
Ubuntu Server 13.04
PHP 5.49
MySQL 14.14
Rapid Development Tool - Scriptcase 7.1
Load Data Local has been set to 1 (enabled)

or any other way to import .dat file into MySQL.


What format is the incoming file, just tab-delimited ASCII? If so, you could write a loop to load it, parse it into records then insert each record into the table.

I have no experience on why the command doesn’t work.