My portfolio - help with CSS and responsive please

Hi everyone, I need some help please with my portfolio I am developing. Would anyone be able to help me with the CSS and Media Queries. ← This is my testing URL.
If you resize the browser down to 820px the navigation changes, but the drop down is behind my JQuery gallery. Why has this happened? as when you resize the browser down again to 640px the navigation is fine…

Thanks Aimee

In the 640 query, you set the z-index for the header element which is bringing it to the front, it is not in the 820 one. Try moving that line to the 820 query.

ooooh, Thank you very much that fixed it! I’ve just had a look at it on my phone and it looks like the navigation is messed up…

my screen size is smaller than 640px wrong?

If you resize Firefox browser down to about 400px the nav icon-menu messes up, is there a way I can make my logo resize down?

Thanks Aimee

On #logo set width: 100%; max-width: 400px; background-size: contain;

Hi, I’ve changed how I want the navigation to be. I would like the navigation to be inline with the header - logo. in desktop view.

But when it resizes down I would like the navigation to drop down below the header and get a drop down navigation for mobile and tab use.

Now I have it done on this site, (The drop down Nav for tabs and mobile) - I’ve been building, but I can’t get my nav to line up next to my header. I hope I have explained it correct.

could you help please.

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