[FONT=“Palatino Linotype”][SIZE=“4”]I have a bachelor’s degree. I also have taken many computer classes, in school and online. I have also taught flash to adults. So I am more than confident my education, thank you.
I will look into the books you mentioned. Thank you for that. [/SIZE][/FONT]
I guess I don’t understand – what is it you’re doing? o.O I mean, unless you’re performing in front of an audience I get a little confused about the confidence thing. I’m not trying to be condescending or anything, I’m just trying to understand x.x
If you’re good at something, and you know you are, and people tell you you are, what’s there to be un-confident about? (lol, couldn’t think of the word)
And about the “hot maiden” thing (yep, I gotta chime in) - I love (note the sarcasm) how women think they can dress like… street walkers (okay, maybe not that extreme) and then expect men not to react to it. >.>
I knew someone would have something to say about that. lol
Maybe if she didn’t dress the part with her short skirt and tattoos all over her body I would think otherwise.
First…shake it off and cheer up man! They didn’t tell you “no way” right, so there’s still a chance they could come back and ask you to do some work for them.
Second, I think you really need a new username to go by here, as apparently these prospects you’re meeting are seeing you as just “another designer” - some guy that knows how to code and do graphic stuff with the only difference between you and the other guys they see being the prices you charge - and competing on price alone is a terrible way to make a living.
Why not be the “exceptional designer” (or at least play that part in the real world) and win these people over buy showing them the BENEFITS you can bring to them if they hire you? There’s no shortage of out of work designers/developers today and you’ve got to be able to stand head and shoulders above the rest and demonstrate to these prospects what they get when they do business with you.
And don’t forget that wooing a business is really no different that wooing a woman. You’re married right? Did you ask her to marry you on your first date (please oh please don’t say yes!) No, of course not, it took time to get to know each other better and for the relationship to progress to the point where you were ready to make a commitment - and it’s the same way with getting business or even getting a job with a company.
Start out small and make good first impressions. Don’t sweat it if you occasionally blow it, but always look to provide a prospect with value and demonstrate your expertise as you get to know them and then ask for the sale or the job, whatever.
Oh, and while I know it’s tempting to do business with anyone that shows any interest in you, I’d take your time and choose your prospective projects carefully. I prefer working with the decision maker directly so I choose to work with mostly smaller companies, and I’d suggest you might want to do the same until you build up enough confidence to handle a meeting where other young maidens might be asked to weigh in on your work.
P.S. How about the occasional post here when you’ve had an exceptional day - or at least ones without any major setbacks.
I think it’s time for a life coach. I can’t afford one but I simply have no choice!
I had a project manager ask “what am I going to do with you” just like you asked. He eventually fired me.:sick:
Let me ask a question. If you don’t win over a companies’ business at first, is it smart to keep on trying? You know, sending proportionals, phone calls, emails, and stuff like that?
The OP (based solely on my readings of his posts over the last few months and no formal training whatsoever) has self-esteem and, to a lesser extent, anger management issues.
Until he resolves those (and he does seem to be trying to do so) he isn’t going to be able to move forward with his other concerns (e.g. lack of confidence). It’s kind of like Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, without self-esteem, he can’t tackle the anger management or lack of confidence issues.
OP, did you order that book I recommended in your other thread yet?
What are we going to do with you You need to learn to handle rejection better or perhaps change the way you portray yourself, I still say talking to a councillor or life coach or something would do you the world of good, it might even improve the chances of you getting gigs (if you can portray yourself better in interviews).
There are SO many things I want to reply to that, I’ll just keep quiet
Sorry to hear about your bad day. Finding work is so like begging, isn’t it? That’s why I gave up being a slave. Now I have no money, but I’m happier at least! Occasionally people beg me for some service, which is nice.
Maybe the hot maden/maiden will see things more clearly when she’s cooled down?!
ShinoKage thank you for understandin about the woman/dress thing. YES SHE DID DRESS LIKE A STREET WALKER! 100% RIGHT ON TARGET! AND SHE LOOKED LIKE ONE TOO! Sorry, I had to get that out. Oh, and be careful if you by chance check out a woman’s behind walking by you. Because other people are waiting to see if you are going to check out her butt! I know that for a fact!! So it’s better to NOT LOOK AT ALL!
I agree about the confidence thing. I am good enough to get all these interviews, one even twice. Yet none of them will hire me. Maybe it’s because I am older with a sad about of rocasea. Who the hell knows. My work should speak for itself. But I guess I’m not all that good. I can live with that. Either live with it or lose my mind. Right now it’s 50-50 on how it will turn out. :injured: