I’ve just spent a lot of time creating an HTML email template for future use. I’ve tried to make it a bulletproof as possible and I’ve done my best to make it work in as many email clients as possible.
It’s got quite large and complex and I was wondering if anyone could spot any glaring errors that I may have missed?
Looks pretty bulletproof to me. I guess I could make a few small points:
You have some ids in your code that are not needed, so I would remove them.
As a rule of thumb, use padding on td and margins on text. That apparently is the most reliable. For the most part you do that, by sometimes you do the reverse.
The link at the bottom places the underline below the non-breaking spaces, which doesn’t look very nice to me, so if you need them, place them outside the link.
<p><a href="">[COLOR="Red"] [/COLOR]Want to unsubscribe or change your details?</a></p>
change to
<p>[COLOR="Red"] [/COLOR]<a href="">Want to unsubscribe or change your details?</a></p>
I have quite a few test email accounts set up just so I can test layouts—gmail, yahoo etc. I send the test emails with Thunderbird, which has a nice HTML email option.
You could find any errant ids by searching for # I guess, and margins/ paddings by a similar search.