That’s because you have set a max-height on quote-info and browsers render text and elements at different height so you should always avoid setting a fixed height or max-height. You would get the same issues in all devices and desktop if the user specified a greater font-size than you expected.
Always let contact dictate the height and avoid all these issues in one fell swoop.
.quote-info {
/*max-height: 445px; remove me please */
Didn’t notice anything strange in that first section on my iphone.
When styling buttons you need to negate all the defaults or just go with the flow.
You can make sure no defaults are present using the following (non standard css) for certain browsers and then make sure you style everything else.
Then you need to style explicitly.
display type (block or inline-block depending on use)
width and height if required
background color
outline color
box-model (box-sizing:border-box is preferred)
hover, focus and active styles
Once you do that then chances are they will look much the same everywhere but of course there are no guarantees with form controls.
You have given the email address a width of 100% and with borders and padding that will be too big to fit. use the box-sizing:border-box property/value to restrict the width to 100% and have padding and borders contained within.
I use the box-sizing border box by default for everything. However you need to do that right at the start and build everything using it.
You can’t use background-attachment fixed and background-size:cover on mobile devices (and ipads) due to the way they have constructed their viewports (as I already mentioned). What happens is that the image gets stretched over the whole height of the document and not the viewport and that’s why its blurred.
I usually remove that background-attachment:fixed for touch devices. Use js to detect touch and then add a class than you can use to modify the css for touch so that it doesn’t get a fixed image but a scrolling one instead.
I used jquery like this:
// detect touch
if ("ontouchstart" in document.documentElement) {
} else {
You can the use that class to modify the styles for touch devices.
See here for a similar vanilla js version.
There is no other fix that i know of unless you have just one single image to deal with as in that demo I showed you earlier. Where you have multiple fixed images for that pseudo parallax effect then there is no solution for touch/mobile devices
Hope that helps