Hi, I’m still learning Wordpress and I’m curious to know what are the MUST HAVE plug-ins? Also are their any security features that I should worry about when having a Wordpress website? Thanks!
Look into Akismet. Its the most handy plug-in that I have. It will block virtually all spam comments and its FREE. You just have to register to get a key. Also look into some SEO optimizer plug-ins to help make your blog more visible to googe.
Here are a few I have on my <snip />blog that I believe are a MUST HAVE:
- Google XML Sitemaps
- Pretty Link Lite
- WordPress Database Backup
- WPtouch
Definitely suggest you check those out (simply search for them in the Add New section under Plugins in your WP backend).
You want to use as few plugins as possible. So try to do anything you can without a plugin. What are essential all depends on what you are doing with your site/blog.
For security the best thing you can do is keep your installation updated.
I would not use Askimet unless/until you start getting a lot of spam comments. I also would not use a plugin for backup as it should be easy to do from your server control panel. If it is not easy then it can be a essential plugin though.
Here are some I think everyone should have:
AIO SEO I also like Yoasts SEO but this one is more dummy proof
CBNet ping optimizer this is good if you edit pages and post’s often.
Google xml sitemaps
W3 total cache
Secure Wordpress I also like Bulletproof Security but this is more dummy proof
WP Optimize I use it then deactivate it.
I also like Link Juice Keeper which automatically redirects 404’s to your home page. I would try to do 1:1 redirects first though.
Some plugins I put on every site are:
Better WP Security
Wordpress SEO by Yoast
W3 Total Cache
Agree with Chris that’s 3 plugins I would use for every wordpress site.