Multiple images in slider

Hi, I have a jquery slider, In which i want to display 2 slides in each frame, How can i set that ? And also Mouse over caption to each slides, Below is my code. Thanks in advance

        auto: true,
        pager: false,
        nav: true,
        speed: 500,
        namespace: "callbacks",
        before: function () {
          $('.events').append("<li>before event fired.</li>");
        after: function () {
          $('.events').append("<li>after event fired.</li>");


<div class="callbacks_container">
      <ul class="rslides" id="slider4">
          <img src="images/1.jpg" alt="">
          <p class="caption">This is a caption</p>
          <img src="images/2.jpg" alt="">
          <p class="caption">This is another caption</p>
          <img src="images/3.jpg" alt="">
          <p class="caption">The third caption</p>

You can easily place two images in each <li>:

  <img src="images/1.jpg" alt="">
  <p class="caption">This is a caption</p>
  <img src="images/2.jpg" alt="">
  <p class="caption">This is another caption</p>

Then you just have to style it all appropriately.

Feel free to post a demo on CodePen so that we can help further. :slight_smile:

Personally, I would wrap the img/caption pairs in divs for easier styling:

  <img src="images/1.jpg" alt="">
  <p class="caption">This is a caption</p>
  <img src="images/2.jpg" alt="">
  <p class="caption">This is another caption</p>

Or if you want to be extra fancy, use the <figure> element to wrap each pair in, along with <figcaption> instead of <p>. :slight_smile:

Hi ralph,
Thanks for the replay, It works for me :slight_smile: , How can i add animation to the hide and show of my caption while mouse over and mouse out ? Here is the demo

Thanks in advance

Something like this?

.caption {
 opacity: 0;
 -webkit-transition: opacity linear .3s;
 -moz-transition: opacity linear .3s;
 -o-transition: opacity linear .3s;
 -ms-transition: opacity linear .3s;
 transition: opacity linear .3s;

li:hover .caption {opacity: 1;}

Thanks ralph, It works :slight_smile: , I need a small help also, How can i stop the image rotation while mouse over on any image ? Thanks a lot

Many slider scripts have that as an in-built option. If the one you are using doesn’t, then I’d advise you use a different one, such as bxSlider or Slick.

Hi ralph, Thanks for the advice, As you mentioned i changed the slider to bxslider, Now the problem i am facing is when i press next or previous, after that it will not change the images automatically. Here is the link for CodePen

Yes, that’s how it works. One option would be to add the auto controls option, so that you can start the auto sliing again if desired:

	slideWidth: 670,
	slideMargin: 10,
	[COLOR="#FF0000"]autoControls: true[/COLOR]