Moving 'Close' Button in Zoomed Container

On this page I need to move the ‘close’ button to the very top right corner of the page (not to the top right of the image). I’ve already tried using jQuery to move to object, but that won’t work considering the object hasn’t been loaded yet.

So my attempt was to use CSS to move the absolutely positioned element to the top, but using negative positioning just makes it works if the user decides to expand the image–the close button positions elsewhere.

Is there a way without manipulating the plugin to move the close button?

Hi @toad78, do you have an example where we can see what’s happening?
By the description you’re making I’m not entirely sure what’s happening and what to recommend. My best guess is that you may want to set position absolute or even better fixed and declare your container widths more or less in the following fashion:

#element {
	position: fixed;
	right: 0px;
	left: auto;
	bottom: auto;
	width: 20px;
	height: 20px;

Oh for heaven’s sake, I forgot the link to the page! Ugh. It’s here.

Looks like you could just remove position:relative from pp_details.


div.pp_default .pp_details{position:static}

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Now there’s something I didn’t think of! Thank you, PaulOB!

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