If you want to call something once only on a movieclip’s creation like onload did in AS2.0, how do you do it in AS3.0? I know everything is an object so how can I over ride the movieclip’s constructor? Can it be done without having to write an entire class?
I thought this might work (I have a movieclip called foo in the stage):
foo.addEventListener(Event.ADDED, onMyMcAdded);
function onMyMcAdded(e:Event):void {
But it doesn’t. It compiles but that trace statement is never outputted.
Are you trying to load anything inside the movieclip ?
No, I just mean in As2.0 if for example I wanted the movie clip to be invisible when it loaded I’d do
onClipEvent(load) {
this._visible = false;
But there is no onload in AS3.0 so how do you do it? I know you can’t assign code to movieclips in AS3.0 but how come there is no event that replaces onload?
You can just use myMc.visible=false in AS 3 you dont need onClipEvent(load) in AS3.
But I want to call it when it loads so I need an equivalent on onload? Does AS3.0 lack this basic feature? I find that hard to understand.
the constructor is called when the clip is loaded…, just throw the visible=false; in the constructor… or, if you want you can do it when the clip is added to the stage:
public function imAConstructor():void
addEventListener( Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, turnVisibleOff );
private function turnVisibleOff( event:Event ):void
visible = false;
Yes generally in AS3 an object is loaded when the constructor is fired, so you dont need a separate load event for a movieclip.
Thanks for the replies.
Okay then two more questions:
- How does ADDED_TO_STAGE work as it does nothing for me. I have tried:
function test(e:Event):void {
mymc.addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, test);
Am I missing something?
- Can I define a movie clip’s constructor without declaring an entire class? Curiously enough when I Google as3.0 movieclip constructor I get this thread!
For your first question refer to the following article http://www.tink.ws/blog/eventadded_to_stage/
For the second question you need to elaborate a bit more, as in what you want to achieve.
Thanks again.
For the second question, let’s say I have a movieclip on the stage called foo. How do I write the constructor for it? Do I have to write an entire class that extends movieclip or can I just do the constructor?
I hope that makes sense.
you must write a class for it if you want to extend a movieclip’s constructor.
Thanks, I thought there might be a shorter way but obviously not. It’s hard to get into the version 3 frame of mind after years of AS2.0.
Just in case anyone else is interested tihs is what I ended up with:
package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.events.Event;
public class ExtendsMC extends MovieClip {
private var mc:MovieClip;
function ExtendsMC( movieclip ) {
trace("Contructor, used instead of onLoad");
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onEnterFrame);
private function onEnterFrame(event:Event):void {
This works like onLoad and onEnterFrame clip events in AS2.0 which is what I wanted.
Thanks for all your help.
If you just wanted a movieclip to move in a straight line then you could have dont something like this:
var foo:MovieClip=new MovieClip();
private function onEnterFrame(evt:Event):void{
Some control properties do not work when set from within the constructor (as3 + flash player 9). For example, myText_txt.enabled = false does not have the desired effect when set within the constructor.
This worked:
// ctor
public function Foo() {
this.addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
function init(ev:Event):void {
myText_txt.enabled = false;