Most Bang for SEO Buck

Bombing or whatever u want to call it will results in over optimization, there are proper techniques to follow when getting backlinks, such as anchor text usage, which pages to link to and so forth…

Since your offsite tactics have been working so well, could you please share some analytics charts for your

I have not been able to find your in a Google search, and I would be very interested to see your success after Penguin given that your tactics seem identical to those of my friends whose websites all got de-indexed around September 2011.

I assume you will have no problem sharing this considering it is the keystone site on your No BS SEO Crash Course.


I think you need to read the replies in this thread more carefully. Nobody is advocating only on-page optimisation. I was simply taking issue with your earlier comments that


which are at odds with what Google says on the subject. As with most things, SEO requires a balanced approach. Link-building certainly has a place, but not the same place it may have occupied a few years ago. SEO has moved on since then.[/FONT]