Moment not working properly

Why I am getting Invalid date in the following case:

function formatUnixDateString(value_) {


                       //return moment.unix(value_).format('MM/DD/YYYY');

                        return moment(value_).format('L');

                       else {
                        return "";

Trying this line return moment(value_).format('L'); and it keeps on printing Invalid date

My dates are in this format 1522144800000

Unix timestamps need to be parsed using moment.unix(). Cf.

Actually, this line return moment.unix(value_).format('MM/DD/YYYY'); was also giving me Invalid Date for some reason.

works for me …

moment(1522144800000).format('MM/DD/YYYY') // "03/27/2018"

But here you aren’t using moment.unix()?

because that’s the millisecond-timestamp.

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